Kelso Public School

Success Excellence Opportunity Belonging

Telephone02 6331 1577

Positive behaviour for learning

Positive Behaviour for Learning (PBL) is an initiative of the NSW Department of Education that aims to support successful teaching and learning and promote positive social relationships.

Read more on Positive Behaviour Learning (PBL) (PDF 752KB). We implement PBL through teaching a clear set of expectations (pdf 186 KB) using consistent and positive language that promotes students being responsible for their own behaviour.

The set of behaviours expected to be demonstrated by students, staff and visitors whilst at Kelso Public School are known as the 'High Fives'. 

High fives

The high fives expectations are:

  • be safe
  • be respectful
  • be responsible
  • be on task
  • be proud.


The PBL program is adapted from the US program called Positive Behaviour Interventions and Supports.

PBL Student of the Week awards are presented to students who have consistently displayed behaviours that reflect the 'High Five" expectations.

Merit awards

Class teachers, Assistant Principals, our Deputy Principal, and our Principal each issue merit awards every fortnight. These awards are presented at our whole school assemblies.