This service is a Department of Education and Communities initiative for any children in the Bathurst region. Staffing consists of a Teacher and a School Learning Support Officer who work collaboratively with parents to develop a learning support plan incorporating recommendations of the Early Years Learning Framework. The school counsellor is also involved in the program providing further support for children where required.
An individualised learning program is developed for each child in close collaboration with parents, therapists, and early childhood teachers, which is implemented in various ways including:
- small-group, half-day sessions in the early intervention support class within the school.
- resource support provided by the teacher in preschools or childcare centres.
Parental involvement is essential. Group and individual parent/teacher meetings are held regularly and a formal review of student placement is held annually.
Early Intervention classes are held at Kelso Public School from 9.30 am-12.30 pm on Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday, Thursday and Friday.
Referrals and applications
Referrals to the Early Intervention Program may be made by:
- the child's parent or carer
- other professionals, with the permission of the child's parent or carer.
An application is then completed and forwarded to the relevant department body for approval. If successful students can enrol in the Early Intervention Support Class.