Kelso Public School

Success Excellence Opportunity Belonging

Telephone02 6331 1577

Excursions and performances

We provide many opportunities for your child to participate in excursions and performances. These activities are part of the school's educational program and provide an important and effective means of motivating and engaging children in active learning experiences outside the classroom environment.

So it is important for your child to participate in these extracurricular activities when possible. The school often has fund raising activities to minimise costs of the excursions or activities.

All excursions and performances are carefully organised by us. At the time of activity, a note will be sent home with information about the planned activity. This information will include:

  • a consent form approving your child's participation in the activity
  • permission for the school to obtain medical treatment for your child if required.

The consent form must be completed and signed by a parent or carer and returned to school prior to your child taking part in the activity.

Often teachers organising the excursion and performances will ask for volunteer parents or carers to assist with the supervision of children participating in the activity. This is usually arranged by contacting the organising teacher.

A highly recommended learning activity that comes to the school and provides stage appropriate health and drug education for all students in an engaging and interactive way is The Life Education Van